I don’t like Trump and other than thinking his wife is hot, have little care for her. I think someone plagiarized for her speech (since she didn’t write it).
I don’t like Trump and other than thinking his wife is hot, have little care for her. I think someone plagiarized for her speech (since she didn’t write it).
Meh, it all doesn’t matter anyway. People who support Trump have already proven long ago that there isn’t anything at this point that will change their mind. No matter what he says or does or what the people around him do, it doesn’t matter. It just somehow is Hillary’s fault and the vitriol continues to increase.
Melania Trump should be thoroughly derided for plagiarizing. But this is just bad, bullshit science.
Yeah, that's fucking bullshit. That would NEVER stand in Bills territory.. our stadium in smack on a residential road and everyone with a house within a half mile of the stadium makes a killing every season.. because the actual parking lot (which accommodates about 1/4 of actual cars needed to fill the damn stadium…
Calling it “Sportsball” is the mark of a smug dickface.
You failed to add another important place Spades is played: anywhere there is downtime in the US Army, which is where this Caucasian learned how to play Spades (and Dominoes too, but Black Dominoes, not Latino Dominoes)
The Detroit Lions expected to be a playoff team this year. Instead, they’re 1-7, and today owner Martha Ford began…