
Two things about this raise an eyebrow. One is that they already tried a move upmarket 10 years ago with the Tourareg and the Phaeton, which was a miserable failure. The second is where this leaves the Arteon? That’s already supposed to be positioned against the likes of the 3-series and the A4.

This. The only thing I find impressive about In N Out is the urban legend level to which it’s hyped. The first time I had it was the day of a friends wedding and everyone else spent so long talking it up I thought I was gonna be eating manna. It was therefore disappointing to end up chowing down on a limp burger and

100% this. The way her expression changed after she kissed Dean and left the classroom made me think - holy shit, she’s arching. I think she’s going to try and play the Venture twins off against each other. Question is, is she arching for her father, or herself?

Can someone explain to me what’s the rational behind importing a Volvo (or any car) from halfway across the world that was already sold in the country it was brought into? Not trying to piss on anyone’s chips, but I don’t get it...

Chances are you're right, at least on the former. Police Scotland wouldn't allow it to be flown over Turnberry while he was there, but they did take it to Edinburgh for the weekend resistance festivities, so maybe it could be part of the next Macy's parade on Thanksgiving?

Heh, that reminds me of the bar I worked in when they were going to renovate it from a proper old man’s pub that was only busy on match days into a sports bar. We spent an afternoon gutting it, and I still have the price list (that was last updated a dozen years ago or more) hanging in my kitchen today.

COTD right here.

Serious conflict of interest is a REALLY nice way of saying that Wakefield lied to discredit rival vaccinations for his own. The fact that the antivaxxer hysteria is based on lies told by someone who’s only goal was to sell a different vaccination is astonishing.

I had that big orange tank thing. I got it on clearance back in the UK for 10 quid or something. What sucked though was the treads didn’t move at all, so it just kinda slid along. But it looked cool doing it.

What if its both? You’re ready for one and the other sneaks out and suddenly some monster is chewing your face off before you have chance to say Clever girl.

Here’s your goddamn star for that horrible pun.

This just made me realize that I’d probably die due to an early morning fart.

I had no interest in The Crown up until now, even with the fantastic cast (mostly due to personal hatred of the institution of the monarchy) but I am all about watching Olivia Coleman as Liz. I’d watch anything with her in it (Always wanted her to be The Doctor too).

Doesn’t he, inexplicably, already have an SS detail? I realize I’m attempting to apply logic to a decision made by a Trump, but WTF does he need to carry for?

David, that Charger will definitely get stuck in the mudpit you call your yard. But maybe your neighbor will think the cops have finally arrived to arrest you, and leave you be. So, win?

I have not enough stars to give you.

Full disclosure, I grew up watching this movie and unabashedly love it.

Your assertion that this is a giant advertisement for Minis isn’t true - BMC didn’t care they were making the film and were reluctant to hand over any vehicles for the production. Fiat on the other hand said they could have as many cars as they wanted and literally arranged for a traffic jam in Turin for filming. You

In Italy? They sure do! Glad they had those British-spec Minis to represent!