
Sorry I didn’t fact check the nonsense I wrote bored in a department store on a Sunday morning...

Even if it gets one, I doubt anything other than the turbo 4 will make it to the US.

And a shock on our other car last month, which to be fair, was on its way out already.

Yeah, I just lost a tire to the pothole monster this morning, on 75 north. There were holes in both sidewalls!

Like most, there were a number of family cars, but here’s the three that were most significant to me -

I’llbe honest, I’m going to wait to see what the reviews for the final season are before committing any more to this show. The last season was unbearable. I got 3 or 4 episodes in and stopped watching when the VP told Claire her initials are missing an N and a T, or some such hackneyed dialogue.

No word of a lie, half the Donks I saw on Woodward at the Dream Cruise last year were being driven by pasty white dudes, so I think you’re good.

This is amazing. I lived in Edinburgh for 5 years and the bus home went past this building all the time. If anyone knew that was there, I never met them.

Gotta be honest, that BMW Roundel on the rear-mounted spare is GOLD.

I’ve lusted after one of these since they spent two years saying ‘Of course we’re bringing it to market’ and then sniggering behind the scences, so I’d be shutting these two in a room -

Because they were never Acuras. The car you’re so wistfully remembering was a rebadged Honda. You want that back, you’d best get yourself a Civic Si.

Considering Ford already sells 2 other 3-row crossovers in the US, wouldn’t this be kinda redundant?

Yeah, but they already sell the Amarok in Mexico, so it’d be kind of redundant.

Honestly, my favorite period for motorsports was the 90's. In the UK, you could watch BTCC, DTM, F1, and the WRC on basic TV every weekend. It was amazing!

My guess is this thing will be low volume, so it won’t affect production on the rest of the range.

Seriously. Whomever decided that intakes, functional or not, pushing out the corners of bumpers needs their head examined. Its incredibly tacky.

I briefly worked in Birmingham until the beginning of the year, near Griffin Claw, and a dude who worked at a graphics design studio across the street from my office street-parked a BMW i8 every day. This was a street that was way too small for the mass of utility and construction trucks and wreckers that frequented

I saw another prototype in Auburn Hills, Michigan on Tuesday. Sadly, I didn’t get any pictures, but it must gas-electric (or just gas) as it pulled into a gas station as I drove by. Wasn’t the same as this one - the truck I saw was dorkier looking.

Same people who Rolls Royce, Ferrari, and Aston Martin are building SUVs for. People that have far more money than taste or restraint and want everyone to know it.

Sgt Johnson’s widow has corroborated Congresswoman Wilson’s account, further stated that Trump didn’t even remember her husband’s name, and said that his call just made things worse: