
I’m just glad I don’t live in a real city. When I’m stuck with the bike I just use the sidewalks and stay out of traffic (where I really don’t belong), but this only works because small rural town with almost no pedestrian traffic. That said, I’ve made a bit of an art out of using side streets and alleys to avoid both

Give us a break. None of the other 12 second diesels were barfing black smoke. He’s obviously got it set up for giggles. There’s probably another couple tenths in it if he stops screwing around with the tuning.

Can we get a story on the white panel van though? I was all ready to snark about the Vette just barely beating that van until I realized the van is a 12 second hustler, somehow.

I’m sorry Freddy. I didn’t realize we were pooping on your personal ride. Just like, the concept of Astons in general. I’m glad it was yours and not some unsuspecting bank manager’s car, though. This isn’t helping. Like all those times you tried to explain things to your girl and she just starts crying harder. Great,

Trust me, I learned that lesson when I tried to watch some of those ancient GIJOE cartoons from the 80s that I loved so, so much when I was 6. Wow I was dumb. Nevermind the plot or anything, the animation was shockingly bad, just wouldn’t have been allowed on TV at all today. I watched 5 minutes, and that’s all my

The worst part is I’m kinda down with the color. But the bodywork should have been left alone stock, and judging by the engine bay I wouldn’t trust the brakes on this thing. All hat, no cattle. Crraaaackpipe.

That’s the main problem. The original point of these cars was to be working class affordable. Prices are now similar to say, a BMW, and if you’re in a position to buy, you’ve got a lot of classy options. The people who are supposed to be buying are doing real well to get a Focus.

Yeah, sure. Every teenager would drive the heck out of a Camaro, but none of you can afford them. People who can afford them have other sporty options that don’t scream mid-life crisis at people.

It’s a very nifty early Spielberg film. It shows off his talent because they basically just had money to rent a semi & driver, get a pedestrian Dodge, and take to the public roads. Yet Spielberg still manages to craft a lot of tension, a compelling narrative, and also, I suspect taps into the prevailing sentiments of

Car has 100k and he’s using it as a taxi. 8+ hours a day, full time, thrashing it on the streets, in snowy Canada, giving the suspension little rest. Think of all the road salt, all the potholes, the general abuse as he runs from place to place to place non-stop. Also, your ball joints might actually be fucked, and

I suspect he dodged those bullets by having the stick shift. All the Honda transmission horror stories I’ve heard involve the autos.

Crap like that is why competent people who’d make good mechanics avoid the auto repair industry. These jokers don’t think twice about how much money they’re costing their own boss, but ask them to swallow the bitter cost of paying a professional with expensive knowledge and tools to fix a costly machine, and the

It was aptly enough named. The autopilot on a plane is for long stretches of basically commute, where all that might be required of the crew is a a tweak to the yoke here and there. But that’s with professionals at the controls, under very controlled conditions, and any real flying demands a human hand. Autopilot in a

It makes sense. The average working class American buyer that thinks of a Viper as a pinnacle car can’t really afford one pretty much at all. Even if they can swing the financing, it’s such a completely impractical car that they can’t justify it. So they don’t buy it. That leaves the ideal Viper customer, which are

The real mind blow is Higgins, at triple digits the whole time, just pootling, really. Chatting. Narrating. Just playing tour guide at speeds that would give most people adrenalin shakes, but you can tell he’s at 6/10ths, for him. Don’t want the journos to stain the upholstery.

Well, if you were trying to make the Ram look good, I’d say success.

Poor Avenger. With a name like that you could have been somebody.

That’s because there’s no such thing as a free Jeep Cherokee. It’s the modern equivalent of an elephant gifted to you by the king.

Re: The dearth of Hondas and Toyotas. I’m making an assumption here, that this data is nationalized, or at least comes from a representative section of flyover country, and not from the West coast or the South. “Buy a nice used Honda” has been naive West-Coaster and Southerner advice for a while. Hondas and Toyotas

Something tells me there’s a funky little special tool that comes from the SnapOn truck and its one job is to make slave cylinder replacement a viable activity. Also, it’s refreshing to hear a story about an unreliable Honda. Like hearing about an 8 year old with a job or something.