
I wish I was better looking so I could pull off photos like this.

Yeah, I’m not outraged, this is not surprising, but hopefully she can find a job where she’ll actually be treated well and valued instead. :\

There is no outrage (at least yet) in the comments. Most people are just generally hating on breastaurants.

36. Super smart, cures diseases to life threatening diseases everyday

If that’s true that’s just straight up pathetic. Sadly, I’m all too ready to believe it’s true. His behaviour to my friend was pretty ugly.

Kara, I’ll thank you kindly not to report such blatant lies like this:

I was trying to think of a best, but I couldn’t, so I’m just going with badass-est.

Best thing my birth thing ever did was to abandon me at a year old. Sure, if I hadn’t annoyed the neighbors with my crying I could have died since she never came back and locked the deadbolt behind her...

You nailed it.

That’s why everybody should avoid touching the door handles in the bathroom. I see so many guys peeing and never wash their hands, that’s why I never touch those nasty handles.

Boo hoo... The poor abused child was asked to adhere to a dress code. Life is so unfair!! Blah, blah... What a load of crap. Dress codes are everywhere. Get used it.

so Go Ask Your Mother. hehehehehe