
Maybe this is something he’s done before...ya think?

How do you know he’s only done this in his old age?? And if it is behavior due to dementia, etc, his handlers (and perhaps his wife) should warn any woman who’s going to be in his vicinity so she’s aware of the possible behavior and can decide where she’d like to stand!

The fact that people are minimizing this to the actress (which, I’m assuming, is why she deleted the post) by saying things like “get a grip - he didn’t ‘assault’ you, you’re just wanting attention when all of these other women’s REAL assaults are much worse and you’re taking away from their voices...” etc, etc, is

If he were truly decent, he wouldn’t have done it in the first place....

Well I asked Alexa if this would be an issue for me and she said it was fine.

You joke, but this is a godsend for those of us trapped under a pile of fallen newspapers.

Like all women, I love to be told to smile more but I could never figure out how to really work that into my daily routine. Until now!

I can’t get my mind around that kind of motherhood. When I taught four year olds we had a student who was displaying a lot of troubling signs of sexual abuse. Turns out her uncle was molesting her (I never learned the extent and didn’t want to).

So he was caught in the act and his sperm matches but his defense was supposed to be “but her mom is a greedy bitch”? So, the Polanski gambit.

This doesn’t make any sense.

The momentum that’s been created recently by the many courageous women who have opened up about their own stories has inspired me to finally be more direct, at whatever cost.

Yeah, I noticed as well that he’s specifically come out from wherever the fuck he’s languishing just to call a black woman a liar.

Harvey has picked Lupita to rebut by name for two reasons;

Gross. Sean Penn looks like he smells like beef jerky and dirty laundry.

I dislike Kate del Castillo but I would not wish Sean Penn to anyone.

Kelly cried that the media politicized his son’s death, after the President politicized his son’s death, then proceeded to politicize his son’s death and attacked a Congresswoman for defending her constituent. Real piece of work these Republicans.

We ain’t NEVA scared. Again, this administration need to learn quickly that sisters don’t play. And thank God that receipts are long in supply. Somebody shoulve recorded it. Everybody know that that the W.H. and everything in it does nothing but lie.

He just couldn’t go with Pootie Tang II: Electric Pootieloo, could he? Noooo....he had to make some Art™.