
lord jaysus!

i know some people who panhandle on hollywood blvd.they make at least $200 a day. but yeah,if you're homeless $50 a day would be living large

more of a tradition than a trend

people are stupid with or without drugs

OH NOESSSSSS!!!!!!! jk. I could not care less.i am not hiding behind a fake picture or fake name like most.i am not ashamed of who I am & what I stand for but thanks anyway


all those millions he was bragging about but too cheap to take a cab? smh

idk. i'm pretty sure the faultline is a gay leather glory hole sex club so free water should have been the least of his worries that night


this used to be my jam! I always thought janet Jackson sang it(you learn something new every day)

you would think between the 3 of them somebody had enough for a hotel room :-(

nope.women still have horrible eyebrows in 2014

no we are not morally superior.i doubt if conjoined twins could easily get a job these days & most "freaks" were actually talented in some way besides just looking different

2010s-leggings as pants & spandex for all

i'll vouch for you on linkedin

I think they are sexy. it just sucks that they are always a "nude" color instead of a range of tones

I had to explain to a white saleslady why the "nude" illusion dress would not look good on me.she still did not get it

i'm guessing you are not a black woman. it's incredibly rare to find makeup for poc in drugstores. i love makeup, but I rarely buy it because its a pain in the ass to go to a million stores for something so simple.

sure.why not?they reject me for not being white every day

no I mean like a website(I forget the name) where only women can start the conversations. unfortunately it's only filled with ugly guys or I would use it more often.the concept is genius, it just needs more advertising