
stop making so much sense. it's just easier to blame someone else instead of taking responsibility around here

it would be great if most dating sites were like that. it would mean more women joining & staying but too many men are scared

yep. the usual "i'll fuck you because you're here & nobody else would want you", "i have a fetish for chocolate why are not not acting like a stereotype?", or best of all "i have to ignore you because black women are gross" types.so much fun. every day.

the problem is the 1 % of women who fall for that bs. they make it all worth it for him

men are more likely to be creepy

right.it's all propaganda from dog lovers.

my only pets have been bunnies & they never stink(we never bathed them either). the poop doesn't even smell. they are VERY clean & the best pets evah!

you are completely right but some people are just born assholes & will die assholes. at 19, she should have been working & living out on her own anyway.

i know a set of brothers names Johnathan, john, & Nathan :-(

I think its because no one cares about emma Roberts

right? these people KILL me

thank you

whenever I hear something like this, it reminds me of the "if you don't want to be raped, dont wear slutty clothes" type people. a cat caller isn't entitled to my smile, a fan isn't entitled to attention from a celebrity, no one is entitled to anything.

straight razor?no thanks

I heard he gave Jackie gonorrhea multiple times :-(

is that a pun? :-)

that more people should have safe sex & too many morons were dying of a preventable disease

they were stealing it to sell to the grocery store next door :-(

yes,because morons will put it on their breasts, burn themselves, then sue

it doesn't sound like racism at all.it sounds like the kids/security guards were tired of this kid acting like a jerk & running over their feet with his wheelchair.not all disabled people are saints