if she is a sock puppet, this "fake" video is amazing.
if she is a sock puppet, this "fake" video is amazing.
and I'll waste some more breath here, the reason this scandal blew up is because it was being silenced and not allowing anyone to even ask the questions on what any reasonable person would say is "suspect" even if it ended up not being the smoking gun it at first appeared to be. Journalists often follow leads that…
did kotaku retract Patricia hernandez's positive coverage of her former lover's games? I missed that.
I didn't know that wanting ethics in game journalism such as disclosure of sexual/personal relationships with developers/PR or any other subject of an article as well as disclosing financial ties was anti-women I better go tell the SPJ how wrong they are. / s
that is arguably a fair point,
Let's take it further, if some of the media is corrupt, are they all corrupt?
Because some feminists are crazy (e.g. saying all sex is rape) are all feminists crazy?
Because some blacks steal, they all steal?
So I can admit, right here, that not all pro/anti-gg are good or all bad, but the…
"I'm not sure what Kotaku published that you think merits trying to remove advertisers from our site
the catalog clearly said "dicks" why would you expect to see women?
- Dick's Exec
Jesus, Tatu...that is a name I haven't heard in awhile.
I was a HUGE fan just before they hit it big stateside.
I am not really shocked at this anti gay viewpoint given the political climate in Russia but I am shocked at all the surgery, seriously she is barely 30 and looks like one of those 50 year old housewives who…
grenade launchers or 37mm launchers, which are useful for tear gas.
Heck 37mm launchers aren't legally even firearms I own 2 of em.
I have a coworker whose office line receives calls for the local ER almost daily because the hospital doesn't give out the correct information. (he has the same last 4 digits as the ER line, and the first 3 of the hospital primary number.)
*insert picture of jason segal/marshall erikson
wait, so someone is an asshat online...this is news?
Just further proof of "john gabriel's greater internet fuckwad theory"
That's is kind of the point,
They want you to resign because they CAN'T fire you (perhaps they fear you will claim some sort of discrimination, or the union rules don't allow for a firing without X,Y, and Z which haven't happened.) or they simply don't want to pay unemployment or have a history of "cycling" through…
good idea, but the typos are a bit annoying
even worse this is a "life hack"?
here is another bookmark for you.
I don't know about the refurbs, but those playstation monitors are LEMONS and have known issues.
They ALL seem to break and sony even recognizes a problem, but not enough to fix an originally $500 tv when you are just a hair outside of the warranty.