
What you’re seeing is just another angle to attack Kaepernick’s protest while still avoiding discussing the *content* of his protest. WHY he’s protesting.

When the lightskinned brothers start attacking each other, we’ve truly lost all hope. We were supposed to be a team!

He’s in a Whole Foods.

Also obama's black. So racism doesn't exist.

Who gives a shit if kaepernick is black, he is sitting in protest against Americas treatment of black peoples. It's some bullshit if the ethnicity of the protester matters.


I was about to object, but then I remembered that I am not now, nor have I ever been, rich.

Even worse - these morons outright reject Science altogether... while tweeting on their smartphone or taking antibiotics for their latest UTI.

shup and sit down, it was all done by God.

Third Eye Woke.