
it's quite in-nov-a-tive.... honestly, couldn't they afford some voice talent? The product itself does look interesting..

I remember as a kid, idolizing Hancock, and wanting so terribly bad to learn to play 'keyboards' so I could be like him. I bought Keyboard magazine (with the plastic records inserts!?! - remember those?), picked up a Casio CZ101 and tried in vain to self teach as the family had no cash for this fantasy. Regardless,

Wow, that photo helped convince me the $30 Billion Canada wants to spend on those beautiful, mostly-functional jets makes far more sense than spending tax payer's money on, say, educating it's young. (Laughing Track play's in the background).... Priorities

Charles, Ferrier, your use of "fagg0ts" was uncalled for. Don't encourage other idiots to use this kind of rubbish hateful language.

Why do I feel like someone just spit in my KD?

Just to put that into perspective... 4x $38 million dollars = $152 million tax payer dollars for this incident alone. (wiki figures)

Don't feel sad FOTN. I only paid $150 bucks for my 32 gig Playbook, and it works lovingly well as a book reader, zinio reader, mobile browser with flash support, sync able iTunes music player for video and music, email and a number of good quality video games. Its lovely.

I was struck by how great some of the webOS apps were, dismayed at how bad how the android apps looked. There is no doubt that the apps on iOS tend to be quite good - and their sales show that point.

Sequel? Ishtar 2 is more likely than another Carter movie. And it's a shame as there *was* a potential serial blockbuster buried in the original material, if it was handled properly. But any franchise can be DOA when handled poorly. Such a shame.

Netflix - please, get your ass onto the PlayBook and RIM. The phones themselves amount to 75 million subscriptions alone. Apple will not place the HORSEHEAD app in your bed. What's with the hate?

I think his skills would be far more valuable to a ad agency.

Thanks Apple. I can imagine all the rich oceanographer's lining up outside Rolex's NY store saying... And I only had my Seamaster Planet Ocean since last year. I had to upgrade. Personally I'll hold out for the Michael Bay's "Earth's Core" edition.

Of all the expenses they've used in putting on this show - they couldn't afford a second unit further down field to shoot Ikarus doing his thing? Bless the team over at ILM for their solid feedback. Now back to work, you need to submit your shots to dailies.

Just to clarify, by "young people", he means those born after the discovery of penicillin.

Its that voice of his. So unique. Get it on a GPS!

Now that the rectal exams were pulled - how will the rest of the state senate find their heads?

"Would you like a Jelly Baby?"

What's the problem?

There are experienced paid professionals reviewing student work right now at the VES - [www.visualeffectssociety.com] While those kids did the work for free - they did it for themselves, which you could argue this chap in the article technically did. But that's quite different than a facility hiring free staff with

Welcome to Southwest Airlines. Let us quickly review our new exiting policy.....