
Just to clarify, by "young people", he means those born after the discovery of penicillin.

Its that voice of his. So unique. Get it on a GPS!

Now that the rectal exams were pulled - how will the rest of the state senate find their heads?

"Would you like a Jelly Baby?"

What's the problem?

There are experienced paid professionals reviewing student work right now at the VES - [www.visualeffectssociety.com] While those kids did the work for free - they did it for themselves, which you could argue this chap in the article technically did. But that's quite different than a facility hiring free staff with

Welcome to Southwest Airlines. Let us quickly review our new exiting policy.....

The work is great. But unpaid work use to be called slave labor. Has something changed?

Had mine stolen Dec 24th and was devastated. Ended up finding one (32gb) on Craigslist BNIB and picked it up for $220. It was still in all the wrapping, mint. Say what you want about the device, but I clearly think it's great. Should have bought a few of them when they were on fire sale cause frankly it was the deal

This is a Guy Fawkes mask, not "Mr. Anonymous".

I've often wondered what the hell those companies were thinking. So let's see how this goes, and I'm sure if it works, more will follow suit.

The best possible use of this would be on new generation TV sets. Imagine webOS on a 50 inch screen and you navigate with a wireless wacom like controler with a stenciled keyboard on it when you need that. Granted, you can kinda do that with most android and playbook tablets with HDMI out, but it be a great embedded

Lots of thoughts here.

not sure these textbook thingies are available outside of the USA.

Makes perfect sense to me, especially with a windows 8 OS which is totally touch. Wider touch surface means you can avoid a touch screen, and the clever use of clear window allows key info when it's closed. I wouldn't be surprised that they set it up so you can use the window as a touchscreen when it's closed. A

Of all the times we needed to see one of your fancy new animated GIF this would be it.


Really. Giz, this is such a cheap shot. Are you trying to be the Drudgereport of the tech world?

That's one well fed CEO. The kangaroo was lucky to escape.

Wouldn't this make watching porn a bit more awkward? A friend wanted me to ask this....