
Odin, I believe you're right. It's a Sharp technology that Nin is using. But you know, lawyers need to eat too.

Good job! As long as the powers that be, are ethical in their manipulation of the media and ajaopb a lba.. j ze rbejn.. qj=e0bn2340101000101111........... (dialtone)

I'll just stick to my crapy watch.... thanks.

Honestly? Why the hell would the press (OR YOU) want to show or identify who it is?

Man, those scenes must have been a joy to occlude.

I'm sorry to say, that none of it excites me.

Par for the course... I just want to know where my +Invite is?!? Anyone?


I should have known it was MK12. Good job. Pass the mushrooms.

insert image of small fish eaten by bigger fish, eaten by bigger fish.

Must be hard being Amish.

You forgot "reasonable price point".

The point in this attack (from what I gathered) is dealing with specific legislation and laws. If they didn't exist, police couldn't do them, legally.

I'd say the planning.

"And back then the same questions were being asked as now - "Doesn't Apple care about the professional market?"

Bad move. Cops don't create the laws - they enforce them. Also Its simply the wrong direction to head. And just because you can steal data doesn't mean you should.

He'd be a riot on the show. But the cast is so crowded as it is...

Seriously, why all the hate Sam? Honestly, it's like the guy owes YOU $50 bucks AND fcuked your girlfriend while you were away at an Ammco Convention.

Its a rubbish explanation. Spin has become the new black.