
The music video for this film rocks....

Any reason this couldn't be used on an mac laptop or workstation as well? Anyone?

Good Show dear chap! Good Show!

The Academy Awards should hire this guy for next year. Not that it would help their show, but at least it would give us 5 minutes that was worth watching.

Thank you for this. Quite excellent.

You know, that image didn't quite go far enough.

What next?

Therein lay the stupidity. We're not talking nickel and dime either. If you added $99 for mobileme, $96 for Hulu, $180 for rhapsody, $445 for the NYT, add the cost of capped internet, cable, capped phone data and suddenly we're paying a crap load.

And I was thinking WIFI is nothing like OTA, even though they're both digital and can show HD 'streamed' wirelessly. So clearly new terms, fees, subscriptions, fees for fees, caps, and perhaps a fee for uncapping caps to let us pay a fee to watch more of these shows should be charged, logically.

I guess I missed something after all. No starxd, frankly I thought the opening graphic was a cheesy affiliate graphic (showing a huge part of North America) added to compensate for the aspect ratio. This bit of new info adds more weight that he did "work" on this. Had I understood that, I probably wouldn't have

Does that include 3rd party games? The ones you find at Garage sales? Or at the discount bin at Blockbusters or Bestbuy?

Edited? Did I miss something? I counted 3 cross-fades. I mean good on him for catching the footage, be it in portrait mode, but it's a bit of a stretch. Footage is usually edited before being aired, regardless.

What wasn't shown was rotation on z axis, which is far more likely than rotation on x or y. It's a problem, but so is wearing glasses. Quick, Cheap, Good - Pick two.

Victoria Secret should jump all over this. I see it all now - "Coslingerie" If they went with a darker shade of blue they might have pulled this off.

I feel for them. They spent so much money on two new garage door openers, which were obviously needed, but had no money left for wiring. Clearly their priorities were straight. In some parts of the world, this would be deemed exquisite work.

Brilliant! - Isn't it a beautiful thing when a woman smiles uncontrollably?

Its great and I love reading these types of stories. I'd encourage a followup of this, to see how well the book sold etc. There are lots of budding artists, writers, coders that see a new paradigm in selling their creative. Wasn't there an article a while back about a 27 yo who has made a good buck selling her books

I encourage those who have not seen SPACED to do so. This team has been brilliant so many times before. Its worth a watch.