Love it. Want one to replace my old Libretto 80 - which still works btw.
Love it. Want one to replace my old Libretto 80 - which still works btw.
He need a medic all right...
Can't wait for the sequel - "Other N"
Congrats! Take lots of photos, do the hand print thing and cherish the first year - as it flies by so quickly.
The finger thing was pretty damn great. Nice!
I was considering an android as a replacement for my iphone3 - this may sway me.
the save as thing doesn't work.
@Andy Neil: Nicely said!
No one saw this coming? Seriously??!
Its murphy's law - every time I want a quick game, something needs updating.
iphone 4 cases
Hey Great News! The App's in French, German, Italian and Japanese for all those multi-lingual American Users that can't speak Spanish or English. The rest of the world can bite it. Get it? Bite.
I absolutely loved the ambiance this game had. You know those LED Light screens people use for treating SAD? Play this game instead. It had it's issues, but it glowed.
Say what you want about the cost of those High End Macs - Mine has been through hell and back - and it still works with no major damage. The hackintosh I built on the other hand, already has a cracked bezel on the screen. Mac's are expensive, but they tend to be a bit more durable.
dear god - how long does one have to wait for this to load.
I've completely lost faith in their credibility and Steve's credibility.
Apple is Steve. And Steve is not well.
as he's about to break out into song...
simple - return the product if you can. buyer beware