el cabeza

Few months late on this, but half way to 16? He looks older than 8 to me.

That's because Ramsay and his 20 good men routed them while they slept.

Weren't you watching? They didn't just chill out underwater until everyone leaves. Bronn dragged Jaime in full armour and with a hand of gold underwater a half mile across the river until they surfaced near the far bank.

Yup, those opposing the hateful bigots trying to remake the world in their own image were violent too y'know. There's two sides to every story.

It makes no sense. I'm pretty sure the issue originally was that the Lannister's weren't making their payments (mines had run dry and LF spent all of the King's Landing coffers). That's why the Iron Bank was threatening.

Even though Bran is capable of seeing all time and space at once?

He was fostered at Riverrun. That's how he got mixed up with the Tullys.

He's the boss of the Vale, acting in Robyn's place until he comes of age.

Plus the three eyed raven is there. When the sisters start pulling each other's hair, he can simply tell them what LF did.

It's pretty week that Arya wouldn't realize Cersei coerced or manipulated her into writing that letter. Catelynn and Robb realized this as soon as they received it.

He can't intervene? They went to great lengths last season to show that he can intervene in the past and change the future. Remember Hodor?

Was Jaime a king when he fathered her first 3 children?

Oh I believe you. I just don't accept your line of reasoning.

His own personal gain is to be the only living person in the world surrounded by undead people and and animals?

you can say fucks here. it's okay.

I figure you figured correctly on Gendry's arc. I also figure there's a good chance he's the one who ends up on the Iron Throne.

Killing an willing enemy combatant in war isn't murder.

I think focuses may have shifted after the giant cathedral and nearly every noble in the city was incinerated.

Right. He doesn't care about rumours. And he keeps Tyrion around because of his Lannister name.

Or would simply discarding him be seen as validating the Aerys/Joanna rumours? That might have put Tywin in the unfortunate situation of accepting the little 'monster' as his own to protect his honour