
It would seem you're the victim of malicious conditioning by your mother. We all have been badly abused in this way, but girls are definitely more victimised than boys. I can't imagine why girls' mothers have a motive (ahem) to condition them to be averse to sex, sexual paraphernalia, sexual imagery and even sexual

Lawdy, won't someone think of the infantilised women, fighting that Glass Ceiling? Poor dears.

You know you live in Polite Society right? Where truth is rude and deceit is diplomatic? Women know the truth is reprehensible. Some of their deceived BOYS feel the same way.

A person, regardless of outward appearance or size, has a right to pose in underwear and feel good, proud and deserving of respect, and if it offends your ears and sends you into an offended tizzy, dredging up feelings about your judging mother, the problem is not with the skinny lady in gym wear. It's with you.

In Polite Society, only truth offends.

I have been shaking my head for so long, determined to reach the first positive comment. You nailed it. They're shaming a successful woman.

For that reason.

Haters hate their betters for being better. They imagine it makes them look bad.

She wouldn't have a sob and demand for you to be banned from Facebook for offending her with your graduate degrees, so there is a far greater problem than immaturity corrupting your perspective.

Is there a rule that restricts when I'm permitted to respond? I do so when I can, but if there is a law or religious more that limits my courtesy, I've not been informed. I'm unemotional about it. You seem to have a lot of contrived problems you rustle up to give yourself an opportunity to nauseate the world by

My argument is that your fear isn't rational but the product of malicious terror rhetoric or Protection racketeering. What motive would he have to impress you for two dates just to drive you off to a remote locale to hurt you? It's utterly irrational.

It was mothers, not men. Open your eyes.

Why would men scorn a slut (honest girl). Men have mothers that lie to them as well.

The truth is kinda right there in front of you but you're unwilling to see it. Hot guys like hot girls. If he's stringing you along, it means he's not into you. Sorry.

Projecting. What would be the guy's motive to do that?

Girls have numerous motives to do exactly that. You're projecting.

Well said. How many of the creeps that presently make women feel uncomfortable are that way because they've been traumatised by their life history of being belittled, ridiculed, mocked after being forced to make the first move only to be shot down in malicious fashion? I suspect nearly all of them.

Having sex with a guy you're attracted to makes you lose respect for yourself?

I'm not sure you understand how self-respect works.

Why must the guy ask and solicit? So women can frame [doing what they want to do] to be a favour?

Definitely continue to validate women who blame non-existent feelings in men for why they refuse to communicate. That's really logical.

If she's concerned that a guy is so batshit insane and emotionally abused that he

Are you certain your fears were rational? This idea that men are so dangerous and women are so helpless is very creepy. If he wasn't worried about driving you out for a romantic third date, why were you concerned?

I think we're conditioned by malicious fear to be afraid of our shadows. There may be some dark motives

Sorry for the late response. I owe you an apology. It appears I misread your post and just started furiously ranting like a (justifiably, albeit not in this instance) crazy person. This is a crazy world of unprovoked malice that seems to boil down to this:

The logic used in this article is irrational. To begin with, anyone who knows anything about statistics will confirm that the sample size is pitifully inadequate to draw conclusions which, when asserted without empirical data to lend support to the premise, will always be fundamentally racist and sexist.

I'm sorry, but sheer considerations of decency compel me to call you out on your lying here. These rules you assert are fabrications in your mind; rules you want to follow for incredibly transparent reasons that involve your desire to be chased.

There is not a guy on the Internet's sum total of dating sites (in their