
When you understand the mechanics are designed to enhance a player’s power fantasy, essentially, the reason for the mechanics become somewhat clear. They’re effectively not concerned with every match being a completely even playing field as much as moments where a player can occasionally feel powerful—because the

I think my biggest problem with the gameplay I saw was that... it just felt like an old call of duty title. I’m really wondering how their going to distinguish themselves. It didn’t look like they doubled down on the titans, which is their strength. But, hey, I just saw that one map. Maybe it’s “pilot” centric. The

I can’t agree more. I always thought it was to the detriment of the game that CoD and MW made it even EASIER for players who were excelling in kills to stomp an even bigger hole into the other team.

I figured, “Instead of boosts, Why not optional handicaps?”

After “3 Kills” you play in black and white for a small exp or

Plus, in many games, it leads to people worrying only about their kills and ignoring the objectives, and also punishing players that actually play the game - disarming the bomb, playing defense at a flag, etc.

That’s the first thing i thought when I read this., The people who are really good at the game are going to just dominate sort of like the people who get insanely good at flying planes/helicopters in the battlefield games. As a newer or average player it isn’t fun.

Yeah I agree, its one of the system I didn’t like in the earlier versions of COD. High skill players are already going to own the battlefield and are going to be able to fill it up with Titans a lot faster where as the low skill player will get stomped because they won’t have enough kills to even get one to drop. That

I personally hate these kill reward based systems. It’s basically the developer saying “Hey, you are better then the other players. Let’s make it even easier for you.”

Right? Sadly a rarity on gawker, let alone deadspin. Usually all Deadspin cares about is who’s calling who a nigger/faggot/whatever-other-slur in the locker room, or dick pics.

This actually a really nice article. Congrats

From my swimming friend-

Only seven games (3 ‘Tendo, 4 others) from now till April next year.

That’s a huge generalization and oversimplification in the first place, but there’s a great book that addresses your point. It’s a really eye-opening read: Scarcity: why having too little means so much. It discusses decision-making (and other behaviors) when you have limited resources (both time and money). Side note:

Eh, there are some correlations but this doesn’t prove causation. A lot of poor people are poor due to bad decisions and/or lack of forward thinking, such as not purchasing toilet paper in bulk or on sale.

Ever heard of the Crusades?

This study states that Evangelicals have a higher divorce rate than others, but it doesn’t say anything about people who waited to have sex until marriage. This report would include evangelicals who have had sex before marriage, so it’s not really proving anything on our current topic. Did you read it?

That doesn’t say all Christians, only evangelicals.

It’s rough man. Sorry for loss. I can relate. I lost my brother 8 years ago to suicide. It feels like it’s either been 20 years ago, or two months ago. Timelines get weird after a major loss of a close loved one.

The problem with this statistic (there are actually several on Kellerman’s methodology, but I won’t go into those here) is that the figure of gun deaths includes suicides, a more common cause of gun death in the home than homicides and accidents combined. One can reasonably conclude that, while a gun is one of the

Just to be real for a moment: I lost my brother to a car accident about two years ago. I actually do this: I race his ghosts. And I play his saved Far Cry games. It’s not just a dumb meme to everyone. I miss him, and it helps me remember. RIP Stephen L. Grogg.

Yea. The writing here has really gone down the shitter. Sorry to say it. I used to love this site. Not sure why I even check at all anymore. Maybe, I'm just hoping things get better one day.