
And we're here deep in the movie! It's scary and queasy, but definitely thrilling.

I’ve had that thought every day since the election.

She hasn't said either way yet. They're still arguing about scope. But... Six committees, that makes me think Plan A.

Right? Especially if they live in NY.... It’s a pointy city. With such thin skin, how do they manage to navigate the city without being popped like an overripe tomato?

As far as I'm concerned, he never was...

But did he "hereby declare" it??

And now, so am I! Again. Snrk 

Nobody is hanging the impeachment on just one event. Haven’t you been paying attention to all the investigations the House has been doing lately? All that evidence goes into the impeachment mosaic.

I thought it was a normal thing. But I don't follow fashion rules anyway, so the whole brouhaha escaped me.

I lost IQ points just watching that.

Darling, now I’m worried about YOUR mental health. Get to sleep! Sleep is important!

And you will be re-greyed if you don’t lick the We Hate Hillaree boot enough! Beeewaaaaarrrre.  These kids are SENSITIVE.

I was dying to talk about that all morning! I mean, what splattery goodness!! Who the fuck would pass up an opportunity to laugh at Rudy Du Jour?? But nooo, she had to whine about Hillary Clinton.

And beware, she’ll re-grey you if you make fun of her too hard! Oooooh.

... and lol, look, I’ve just been re-greyed in the past hour!

Lol! That dirty socialist capitalist, we finally got ‘er!!



It won't work here. So many people think lightning can strike twice.
