
I'll admit it, I didn't watch the video because I'm a connoisseur of distilled spirits. But ok, what hell it's only 44 seconds. Now I'm mad.

I'd still like the headline to be changed.

Change the headline please!

Others seem to agree. I am not one of them, but that's ok.

"Nobody bought it for the drumming, either"

No argument here.

He played guitar? That's unexpected.

Backfired. Right.

I'm reluctant to use this metric, but if you asked 50 music fans of an appropriate age to name Novoselic's solo projects, I suspect few could tell you.

Did anybody really expect Novoselic to do anything post-Nirvana? It's not like people bought Nevermind for the bass playing.

"one A.V. Club commenter put it, 'mediocre bloat rock.'"

Even from the front?

"It’s easy to dismiss all this as the height of 21st-century vanity. "

Maybe? I mean, the differences are in the details. But while silhouettes may be disturbingly similar, the front ends/grilles are anything but.

Somewhere in this thread I mentioned having a '97 vehicle until 2013. It was a Dodge Dakota and near the end of its time with me, the clearcoat was peeling and the rear fender wells and bottoms of the front fenders were rusting. There was a pleasant freedom in knowing that, eh, somebody makes contact, I'm not really

The latest update to the 300 kept the same basic structure, but the back end is more tucked, while the headlamps are less dominant and no longer look like Bentley pieces.

Submarine = cool.

But cars that are perceived to be better! You can appear to be driving one of those aspirational brands, but for a lot less!

I wasn't going for elitist. I'm just surprised that something people see everyday, in large quantities, doesn't register in their minds.

Did you pick those two because the first-gen 300 of the aughts appropriated the Bentley headlight style?