
Ah. Well now I want to know that!

I respect that.

I'm also a non-native living in Milwaukee. I see plenty…too many really…people in their 40s and 50s with the Chicago chip on their shoulder. Flatlanders, FIBs…all terms I heard first from older people.

You should visit Milwaukee…

I really don't like beef…I'm not a steak guy and roast beast is usually a "well if I have to" meal.

"he and several business partners stumbled on a method to make molasses stick onto popcorn."

That's him!

Well, we disagree on that one.

"And everyone acted like it was some God-given gift…move to Arizona, assholes."

I'm ok with Kane being on, but the third guy…defenseman…I've blanked his name clearly…that was the travesty!

I have no problem with the hotdog thing. And the one time I've been to Wrigley, the highlight was the Hebrew National hotdog I had. (With ketchup only!)

Yeah, but sometimes the trains don't go where I need to go, and then it's the Edens or 294 or the mystery that is the backup at the Gurnee exit and then rage.

Some of us like winter!

If your screen name is accurate, we could almost reverse the locations for me. I visited Houston in November once. It was warmer than I expected, but manageable. But you couldn't PAY me to visit TX in June.

Yes? I guess the stops on the Loop are technically still "el" stops.

Confusing comment/screen name synergy…

The Heroin Diaries was pretty interesting as well.

Razzle. His name is Razzle.

Hey! Inner ear infections are a bitch!

"frankly, we just have to wonder why you don’t visit more often."