
"there are a lot of talented singers using it"

Agreed. And I own a drum machine, an Alesis SR-16. I use it for guide tracks or to establish a vibe/mood, but I would never release a recording with Alesis drums on it.

"(or unobtrusively, if you just can't hit the notes"

"It depends how it's used."

Yeah…I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, one of the many clouds this old man yells at is "drum loops".

Thumbs up for In The Evening!

I suspect if Becca had been put on this assignment, she'd have put Signals on the list. Maybe Moving Pictures…although I think Signals was when synths really moved to the front.

I guess when you come down to it, a synth is a synth, but I look at the synth stuff Maiden did(and I love) as more effect-ish, and less lead. There were no synth solos or melody figures played on synths.

Forget all about that macho shit, and learn how to play the synth!

Embrace? More like consumed!

Also, while I like the synth tracks by Starship mentioned above, the fact that No Way Out was written by not the band bothers me.

"Once listeners accept that premise, it really becomes just a matter of degrees between a balladeer with an acoustic guitar, singing plainly into a single microphone, and someone with a drum machine, a sampler, and Auto-Tune, producing sounds that don’t exist in nature."

HBO ran a Neil Young concert of the Trans tour constantly in 82 or 83 I suppose, and being 12 or 13, I had no reason to see this style as a rejection/abomination compared to his earlier work.

Using nukes to "reposition" land is apparently more common than I was previously aware; there was a plan to use nukes to "build" a harbor in Alaska back in the 60s I think.

So I went out and watched some of her stuff online. She's better than I'd seen her demonstrate prior…maybe a bit more avant-garde than I'd prefer, but yeah, she's got ability.

I'll go up to about $800, but there had better be some special features. I'd LOVE the Alex Lifeson Les Paul, but damn it's over $3K.

Well…I get your point, but I'm not sure slapping Billie Joe Armstrong's name on a headstock is worth ¢.50 to me.

Different strokes then, because looking at all the movies listed for 1992, I don't really have a fondness for any of them. The closest I can come is, I lived not near but not far from where Last of the Mohicans was filmed. Not at the time of filming though.

Just shoot it in my veins!

As somebody who's only exposure to St. Vincent's music is when she was on SNL or Dave(possibly Colbert), does she merit a custom model?