
Is this the place where somebody shouts "Slayer!"

No reason to be ashamed because it is.

Dee Snider anybody?

I inherited a K-car owned by my epically cheap grandparents, who in 1981 thought an FM radio was a luxury they could do without. So AM radio it was!

Well played!

"Harry Dean Stanton's "AVENGE ME!!!" scenery guzzling and that mass singing of "America the Beautiful" before being gunned down come to mind."

What's the Buzz.

Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt rangeā€¦

Also, I still enjoy Red Dawn. It's slightly cheesy, but kind of compelling. What 80s teenager hadn't had post-apocalyptic survival fantasies? There was a dime-novelish series of adventure books I used to read back then set in a post-nuclear exchange America.

Saw The Terminator first run on New Year's Eve night. I was 13 and it was amazing. Still love it.


At least enough to take its head off!

Which makes the guy in the argyle sweater Clint Howard?


See I thought the Breaking Bad piece was dripping in cuteness.

"From an early age kids should learn the basics of Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Stargazer."

I respect Mr. Modell's vastly different taste in music, but I haven't seen anything that indicates Mr. Modell is into hard rock or metal.

Title of Record by Filter. It was like they were pressed with the "used" price sticker already affixed to the case.

I celebrate the entire catalog, so I'm with you.

That's obscure enough to fit in with the others Mr. Modell has in his collection.