
Ha! Metaphorically right? With her words? Because I've kinda called her out here and…

I've had an interesting relationship with the 'Hawks recent run of success. I moved out here in '03, so getting tickets to games was easy. But then they improved…so much for going to games.

The beauty of the Dad Rock slam is that it can be applied to any type of music, if the slammer deems it so.

"I still don't think anyone really loves Brand New Day or the sheer bland khaki-ness that it invokes."

"Whereas some music seems targeted at the kind of people who enjoy watching golf from the moment it's released."

That's why this "Dad rock" pejorative is so irritating. It slanders so much music without consideration for its quality merely based on the fact that said music came out…(shudder)…before they were born!

"And I think we all know dad rock when we hear it. And we usually hear it overhead shopping at CVS"

Come on man! You know Rush fans are all over this site! And just to show I'm fair and balanced here, I'm a big Police fan too.

I do. It's such a complete tonal shift from the rest of the album. Like a palate cleanser.

That Rape Me rebuttal sounds familiar, but the Taylor Swift response I don't recall.

"As a Hawks fan I'm spoiled/sad"

Couple things…

Which makes it all the more puzzling that this list doesn't actually include Major Tom. It's not like the headline was "typeset" and couldn't be changed!

Instead of singers performing to a backing track on computer, they would sing with us…an actual live band. Guitar, bass, drums…I have a guitar synth that allowed me to play some of the keyboard parts, hence "Let's Go Crazy". So while we didn't have a 1,000 song deep catalog, we knew enough to keep people entertained.

My only genuine brush with Greatness - I played guitar in a karaoke band, and we did Let's Go Crazy. I recorded us performing it at a singing competition, and posted it as an audition reel for me.

Good point. I like when Barry's included, but overuse would diminish his impact.


Barry is the Colonel Flagg of Archer, so the more Barry the better.

Shouldn't that be, "Speling is ohverated." ;-)

PittsburgH. PittsburgH!