
"It feels odd NOT to call him by his full name; anything else is jarring (to me)."

Nicely done!

Or you know, Thursday evening!

Nice job on the flow-chart of names!

"seeing the jar of baby food Rick surmizes that this group has already pillaged Alexandria"

"But the band was also pretty anti-establishment, with a ton of "fuck the police" moments."


I'm a comedian! (waits patiently…) Nothing yet. Maybe you're right!(Although I am wearing all black…is Richard Lewis still working?)


But you don't need to leave the house. Podcast! Nothing but podcasts and Youtube!!!

It's not that Lavigne is not thin(or in shape…chose the positive body image term of your choice), but I think that when you look at Taylor Swift, "tall and thin" comes to mind immediately, even if she's standing next to somebody who by all rational standards is not fat.

Just doin' my part…glad you like it.

Exactly! You could make a somewhat plausible Brave New World argument right now.

"there's occasionally some decent stuff"

That's not a bad thing.

True. There was just so much promise, I really wanted a payoff.

Really? I think the Digital Revolution has changed everything. Used to be, if you had a record out, some source of money thought you had done something worth investing in. Making a record took time, and was a challenge.

Only if you're so fair that your eyebrows disappear. And even then it doesn't make you bad, it's more a Gorplee problem.

I feel your pain.

I see how my comment could be seen as a poke at Ms. Heller specifically.