
This is one of my favorite shows of all time, and while the first season felt like a slightly modified Hawaii 5-0 at times, it developed into so much more.

Ooo that's unfortunate. Are you trapped in a high school dance?

The BPMs could be different, but rarely are.

I don't remember this piece at all.

Oh sure, but I think a more adversarial attitude from the interviewer(or at least a bit less "yeah you're so right, that song is so lame!") could compel the hater to produce a better explanation as to why they hate said song.

You mean besides me? Ha!

Is the interviewer allowed to disagree with the hater? I'd like to see some push-back instead of egging the hater on.

I thought I was bringing a knife to a mid-period Simpsons homage to Crimson Tide.

A knife?

So…Amazon is making some odd suggestions. A Paul McCartney album and…a big tub of BBs for an air pistol. The BBs alone are potentially in poor taste.

Also true!

You've piqued my curiosity further.

"I'd develop hyper intelligent cats and we kill all the dogs in the world"

"Most people would just spend the next hour trying to figure out why their phone wasn't working properly"

Nice! Genuine LOL moment there…

I answered somewhere further down the line.

My point exactly.

Too apocalyptic. I'd like to see some nuance…

I mentioned somewhere else that evil is the eye of the beholder, and you reinforced my point perfectly.

I wish I could upvote this more.