
What was the stupid games?

Truth is, the only person who’s life is at risk is Kats himself

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

You have to first objectify women yourself to call out for the need to objectify men for that ‘fair’ game play that satisfies you.

Seriously, your article implies that women who got a job or pay for their beautiful looks is a form of objectification (which they gladly take as an exchange for money) while the superior

They don’t need to. Why? Because they already have the DRIVERS who are the center of the female fan’s affection. Do some of you article writers need stuff like this spelled out in those wooden elementary blocks or what? SMH.

And a happy nip.

Lots of tweets, but pictures would say much more. If their leggings were shear enough to effectively be pantyhose/underwear as opposed to proper clothing, I would side with United. It’s unreasonable to assume that just because one of the passengers was young that her parents had her dressed properly. We really

you know they already handle all of the issues you brought up right?

I wouldn’t even say that Mike is that Over the top. He is AMAZINGLY cheerful, but not to optimum twat-waffle levels like some other reality shows. I also liked that Wheeler Dealers was free of a lot of bullshit. No stupid fucking pranks on co-workers or workplace drama I couldn’t give less of a damn about. The

You’re doing God’s work, and you beat me to it.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

If it be my legacy, I accept.

No, a Canadian Triangle is when you drink three cans of Molson’s at once.

D.B. Pooper

That sounds like the most British porno ever.

Flip away, my friend.

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing

It’s a bit hard to summon any enthusiasm for a car that is a bit more powerful than a Hellcat and will probably be driven by someone that I consider an asshole.