
I thought "Wow, this man is ridiculously good looking and personable, it's hard to believe he's a random guy who took a video of a nice gas station bathroom." Then I saw this: "Filmed at a Shell station in Bohol, Philippines, by model and TV personality Jason Godfrey"


Calling the cold-blooded assault of another human being an "incident" is a wonderful dulling of the very real problem of domestic violence, Roger, but you don't hit someone you love. Ever. Under any circumstances.

He's been a fan for 10 years, and I am older than 10. I am admittedly bad with numbers…did I make a very embarrassing mistake? Should I just pretend to be seven now?

Maybe I wasn't born with the high fashion gene but all of these are hideous.

I totally thought Reese was Elizabeth Banks on the thumbnail.

"The United States of America is awesome," she said. "We are awesome. But we've had this discussion. We've closed the book on it, and we've stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we're not

Anybody who would harm Evan Peters doesn't even qualify as human in my book. He's so dreamy! This woman is as insane as she is talentless.

My opinion is that something horrible happened to Jackie. I don't know if it was a three-hour gang rape by seven guys, as she told RS, or being forced into oral sex by a smaller number, as she originally told her friends. But she's consistently said she was raped by multiple people, she was clearly traumatized, and

It's so big because it's full of secrets.

Bette Midler is absolutely a diva! Ariana is being groomed to be one.

Sometimes the satire on this sight goes over my heads and I just think the authors are psychotic megalomaniacs.

I am charmed, Channing.

Also, they need to stop recycling ideas for what's in the box! Items suspended in Jell-o has been done.

She looks...better.

tied to a literary post and whipped into such brutal submission


Are we allowed to play FMK with Nicki in these three outfits?

Is this a good place to try out my new gif??