Inspired by The Force Awakens, artist Vadu Amka decided to make a Star Wars console themed after the desert wreckage…
Nicely done, rori3.
I really love Sona. It’s hard to play her really poorly because so much of what she does is simple AoE, but there’s bunch of nuance involved in playing her *well.* Managing Mana through extended early game fights is tough with her recent balance changes, and while she’s mobile and can travel well late game, her early…
Sona is my main pick as support, because of how insane her ult can be when aimed and timed right. Those times where you juuuuuust miss, and hit nobody though? Feelsbadman... Don’t ask how I know that.
Janna’s ult is especially great with her Forecast skin.
I personally love Janna’s.
Just Claus should've won. It was perfect.
Konami presents “The Grinch Who Stole PT”? How do you like that one? :-P