
Every single one with High Fructose Corn Syrup should be immediately disqualified.

Y’know, when you follow up the statement that 33,000 people are going to lose their jobs with a bunch of shitty “comedy”, you kind of come across as an asshole.

“Warner Bros.’ Rampage, like the video game it’s based on, is about three genetically-modified animals that...go on a rampage and destroy a bunch of stuff.”

This is great and all, but what I want is a way to turn off the stupid menu selection music and thumbnail slideshow when I’m trying to pick something to watch. Appeared out of nowhere a little while ago, and boy is it obnoxious.

Having lived in Smalltown, Kansas, I’m more sure they threw that shithead a parade.

That’s right I forgot they did it. The Peggy Carter show was so good. Wish it wasn’t cancelled

The Rocketeer was one of the best superhero movies ever. Fight me.

They knew that they couldn’t storm Jabba’s palace, so the plan was to get everyone inside the palace and take it down.

Now we all can’t ask for our favorite characters to appear willy nilly on the show. They’ll need to fit the context of the story and help the major characters advance as people. We don’t want to look like a buncha jerks...

You’re assuming money is the only thing that matters.

She moves to the US after the war, IIRC. Also, cause Captain Britain is a douche, and her idea of Captain Commonwealth never caught on.

I’m not sure this is the right movie for this rant.

cult scifi classic Lost in Space

This is every manufacturer of every product.

Don’t cut yourself on all that edge

You may be nearly alone. I liked Arrival because it was an alien invasion story with almost no violence and loads more intellectualism. A rare thing, nowadays.

You are. It’s a deeply moving movie and has he most intelligent discussion of language ive come across in film.

The best possible game controller has already been made.

The issue is not what they have in "Europe". Here in the US, if you live in an apartment, especaily in NYC, you have a bug and rodent problem. Keeping food like butter out on the counter is just a bad idea. It attracks unwanted critters. If you live out in suburbia, and you do not have a pest problem, then sure,

I like that's she's secretive about it. I've wanted a tattoo of something very personal to me, but I don't want the follow up discussion about it, because it's not your business. I also just like having things that are just for me. Oh Dolly, I love you a little more right now.