
First Snapper now "Mike", James needs to get people to respect him at work, he is the boss.

This does give me hope that Lena is not a villian. It looks like she doesn't get along with her mother so maybe she doesn't know she works for Cadmus.

On one hand their mentor/student dynamic is really working so they should keep it that way. Even Kara is saying how much she wanted to take someone under her wing

No, just no…

"My name is James Olsen, after years of being a sidekick I've come to national city with only one goal: to make a name for myself. To the outside world I'm an ordinary reporter but secretly with the help of my friend I fight crime. One day I'll find the man who destroyed my camera and make my father proud.

yeah those are the kind of topics that when mishandled can give the show a ton of backlash. I was surprised when I saw they were going to adress it because I wasn't expecting it. But kudos to everyone involved they did a pretty good job.

I do know in which episode he comes back tho, but I won't say because I don't want to spoil anyone.


Me too!

To be honest Rip didn't deserve to be obey, his orders were either too boring to follow, had little to none explanation or straight up didn't make sense.

When Captain Cold returns I look foward to his reaction when he sees Ray with his gun, he is going to like "Raymond give me that back before you hurt yourself".

who would have thought legends would be able to adress in a meaningful way something like racial issues during the civil war in an episode featuring zombies? Fantastic episode indeed.

Mmm I don't think so, that something they will keep self contained on each show, it would be cool tho because they could share experiences and opinions about that subject.

Barry is like the most useful roommate you can get, he can make you a lunch and give you a ride to school or work in a matter of minutes, no more time stress!

"Sometimes a man just wants to butter his own bread"

Speaking of people without good reasons to be at StarLabs, why is Wally there? I mean he is family but I'm not sure how useful he is without his powers.

This reminded me of one episode of supergirl where they show an alien that escaped from fort rozz, but unlike most of the prisioners that escaped he is good and he is hiding on earth as a professor.

Hey is not a CW show without a secret that creates drama later on :-P

Don't worry M'gann is a good martian.

yeah me too, I don't want them to just get rid of him but they have a lot of work to do in order to make his character better and more relevant to the show.