
He could just watch him on legends on tomorrow, he'll be even better there teaming up with the other bad guys.

Same here I haven't really hated the show but it has frustated sometimes in the last couple of season. I just want it to be as good as it was, and this is a promising start.

Yeah the beginning and the chair sequence with the cop were some good stuff, if they can keep this quality level for the rest of the season that's one problem solved.

They are bringing a lot of characters from previous seasons back so they might as well bring Helena, I would love that.

Don't bother with the rest of season 4, if you want to get back do it from here. Belive me you are not missing anything

I'll keep a "cautiosly optimistic" approach until the show has some great episodes in a row, but this was a good beginning, the fight sequences were good, Chad was fun, Prometheus looks badass. I am curious to see how the new team dynamic will be

Not talking about Barry and Wally

Nope, but Barry messes with the timeline so often there's hope for you

I think they have but they just like to screw with the timeline, maybe that's their fetish.

Yeah just your tipical troll, contributes nothing to the discussion. It's kinda sad but she can keep doing it because now we can ignore her :)

Ok so I think what happened is, Barry was supposed to stop himself from stoping Reverse Flash from kiilling his mom. Reverse Flash knew this but instead of telling Barry what he should have done to get the timeline right he fooled him.

Lol thank for the advice, I didn't know you can do that until now

I was wondering how was Barry going to adress the fact that they are brothers in the other timeline, but he was smart enough (for once) to avoid that

Reverse Flash was amazing in this episode, his lines were great ("your future self is not this stupid" was the most outstanding) and his plan to make Barry change the timeline for his own good but not for Barry's was brillaint! Can't wait to see him on legend of tomorrow with the other bad guys

Yeah the first episodes were meh at best but I immediatly fell in love with Melissa, she is so amazing I kept watching and it paid off since the show got way better.

Finally some season 2 footage. I usually don't like teasers but this one nailed it, got me hyped for the upcoming season without showing much.

I love the suit but damn Tyler's face looks awful, and his pose is like "what the hell am I doing here?".

I'm so hyped for this Legion of Doom and it's members, I fucking love Wenthworth Miller (started watching Prison Break because of him and Dominic Purcell), Neal McDonough was one of the few highlights of arrow season 4 and I really want to see more of this Reverse Flash.

Is his sister actually :-P

It's going to be interesting seeing how Mick and Sara deal with that, the most obvious thing to do is try what they did to Mick when he was Chronos, but I don't think that's going to work this time.