
Unfortunately I can see them undoing Snart's character development because of some flashpoint/time travel shenanigans, but I love Wentworth Miller so I can't complain.

Yup feeling the same way right her. Supergirl didn't show anything but is still my most anticipated one because it was my favorite last season but the legion of doom announcement got me so hyped! Legends is going to be so much fun next season.

Hey remember when we all complained about how terrible Vanda Savage was as a villain and how the actor did a pretty bad job? Well now we get Neal McDonough's Damien Darhk, John Barrowman's Dark Archer and Wentworth Miller's Captain Cold. Can't go wrong with those three together, it's going to be amazing!

Actually I've rewatched the trailer and the more I see the suit the more I don't like it

My optimism began when Geoff Johns took more control over the movies, the trailer complements that optimism.

Great trailer, like what I saw of Erza's Flash but the suit was meh. I also enjoyed Aquaman and the bits of humor in the trailer. DC and Warner will definitely learn from the BvS backlash and this movie will be a massive improvement.

Looks she won't be series regular unfortunately but I feel like she already served her purpose as a mentor for the first season, still sucks because Calista did an amazing job, but story wise it won't be too bad.

All the Kara/arrowverse interactions are the best part of the show move to the CW.

I think it's going to be below the Flash, but it will take arrow's place as the second best ratings wise.

October can't come soon enough! Really looking foward to Supergirl on the CW.

The scan visor is probably one of the best tools for storytelling ever, especially when you compare it to the traditional approach they took with Other M.

Crash Team Racing HD remake with online multiplayer, one can only dream.

I don't dislike Felicity nor do I want the producer to get rid of her, I just want the show to focus a bit less on her. I also don't have a problem with her scene, but I don't like that scene being the last when they could have ended with Mayor Oliver.

xD when I first when to the reddit I was like wtf is this but then I realized what happened, I think is a bit of an overreaction but it was funny.

I understand and I'm not mad Felicity is staying but why not end the montage with Green Arrow (the protagonist of the show) and his status?

To me the best episode was "falling". I have seen that one so many times I already lost count, it's perfect!

Literally this:

Between those two Flash, at least there is something to look foward (even if it turns out to be a mess :P)

Taiana was very annoying so I can't say I disagree with her decision.

:O that's a nasty theory, I love it!