
fucking scumbags stop buying iphones and shit first... then whine about environment...

Why the piratebay is prosecuted and facebook not?

Fucking Racists don’t want to move to Mexico...

alexa and siri or goog now are fucking vaporware...

my guess is that director just wanted 2 saw some doe.... and did not want to split...

Every second a sucker is born...

nice racism niggers

Hugh Mungus WAT

how about they start to work their arse off?

paying money for something is racist


who is paying her? Soros?

I’m worried she’ll climb the Empire State Building.

tentacle porn...

5. niggers eat chicken.

ill 2 see it if they all get in real sex scene with rhinoceroses

meh just torrent it idiots....


no,if you want to pay from your own pocket. we might clone them eventually... but no point.

i blame apple all those libturds buying ihpones and showing them at each other butts...