
provide real statistics then ‘cos you came out here like a hypocrite.

only idiots liked jj,dd2, lc - it was fucking boring shit

Sexual emergency makes life better!

Jyn Erso is a muslim

paying 4$ for 100 mbit unlim, how can netflix compete?

What are they protesting against? Could not find in text it’s so fucking vogue like an imbecile wrote the following article.

muricunts stop consuming and blaming trump, blame yourself first for your own greed...

mah democracy and shit

In da age of torrents only retards go to da movies...

promoting brain drain and making 3rd world countries even worse and then saying immigration is good for whom?

if you want to live in ussr more to russia then...

Will he make them eat his shit?

so fbi stole money of taxpayers on this shit, at least they got sick... fuck them cunts

idiot cos they are shit, what else?

Why so much care?

shut up commie scum

my friend is so stronk on da internet... take a dirt nap...