The only snaps Romo’s worried about are his neck and spine.
The only snaps Romo’s worried about are his neck and spine.
“Why don’t these miserable fuckers just move somewhere where they’d be happier, like maybe deep inside the rectum of the giant, seething beast that is their own feckless rage and intolerance?”
Can the Delaware Supreme Court just refuse to hear the case and let the lower court’s ruling stand? That, to me, would seem to be the quickest way to put this shit to an abrupt end.
You could make this list 100 games long and still be leaving good games off.
Sully Sullenberger would’ve just dropped that sucker in the coca fields, stuck a large wad of leaves in his cheek, and with nothing but a self-inflating life vest for protection single-handedly taken down the cartel and saved a flock of endangered short-crested coquettes.
I believe the driver would be an asshole because assholes shit on everything but as we know dicks fuck assholes too!
Or at least don’t get caught doing it. How they called that one but missed Cole Beasley’s exorcist cosplay is beyond me.
Don’t like being sniped with a shotgun
Oooh, this can apply to the OTHER superteam too....the 2016-17 New. York. KNICKS. Once we gel, like GS, WATCH OUT LEAGUE!!
^This. Also when you got a vehicle parked in the perfect spot for mowing down the other team with a turret, and a random spawns on you and drives it like a retard out into the open, jostling your aim all over the place wedges it between 2 enemy tanks, and runs off on foot. Fuck those guys.
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
Take your star, you jerk.
Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...
“You know you’re doing something right when TV monoliths (
@foxtv) is trying to personally hand you Ls.”
Today’s lesson is Conservation of Momentum.
A huge man abusing a little guy at Penn State, where have i heard this story before?
To be fair, he eventually did go in a different direction.