
I expect 2017's list to be much, much smaller.

Or, because he gives a shit, he’s using CNN’s public platform to show that some people in government are fighting for healthcare

Holy fuck you’re stupid. Like, I want to say something sarcastic here but you are just dumb as shit and you’re probably reading this going like “how make tiny shapes into sounds for my brain??”

Have you not been paying attention to everything he’s being doing in the confirmation hearings? What the fuck are you doing?

I don’t understand your point. If you hate Bernie Sanders, fine, but just say that? The Dems appointed him “outreach chair” so he is, effectively doing that. Going on national television to try to convince people why OCare is worth saving is, not a bad thing.

“Emoticons are unavailable,” the mobile version of Final Fantasy IX tells you when you name a new character. WELL,