
This is not Twin Peaks.

Piper at the Gates of Dawn by Pink Floyd. Then Pet Sounds. Sgt. Pepper is my least favorite Beatles.


That Marvel art is terrible. They just rush all this out with no love.

Fuck you 1970's!!!

Penelope Spheeris should be on this list. From directing Suburbia, Boys Next Door, and the two Decline of the Western Civilazations movies to Brady Bunch smd shit Saturday Night Live alumni movies.

I think he's a great songwriter. He's not a very good musician.

"images of industry and decay, of a world that is slowly eroding from
within and a country that is built on rot as much as anything else. " What the hell is this writer talking about? I see no rot or decay. Looks like he's driving from the city to the suburbs. No rot . No decay. How could you be so far off. Screen

What about Phil Hendrie? He lost his mind and humor.