
‘I’m a tremendous fracker’

And why are the people advocating microdosing always like, middle aged?

Him: make me a sandwich!

That’s correct, if you dont have a PHd and you are a woman, you can’t order a sandwich.

Yasss Ina May!!! I like to think of myself as pretty liberal and open-minded, but her description of what sounded basically like a brirthing farm honestly gave me the screaming creepies. I wanted to avoid almost all comparisons to livestock breeding when pregnant Bc I already felt enough like a huge cow

My pale European blend of paleness wife and I, a Sri Lankan guy, are thrilled every time we see an interracial couple in the media. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Cheerios commercial or an episode of Happy Endings or Sense8 or Firefly, it’s good to see some kind of reflection of us, even if it’s not a perfect reflection.

Yeah some alt-right motherfucker called me a “race traitor” the other day when he found out I (white lady) am engaged to an Indian man, so good to know this kind of bullshit attitude transcends political boundaries (NOT).

And spent much of the series pursuing Ann, whose ambiguous ethnic blend perfectly represents the dream of the American melting pot. 

I think I saw this same headline at Stormfront.

Inclusivity is already an important goal, and I’m really glad to hear about the people working to increase visibility on this issue.

Just because a movie is for children doesn’t mean it needs to be mindlessly happy all the time. It’s movies like these that teach kids sympathy.

My husband is a libertarian (a fairly liberal one, but still) and it’s really hard. He didn’t become a libertarian until after we got married and I sometimes feel like he pulled a bait-and-switch on me. We try to limit the politics talk but it doesn’t always work. (See tonight, when he said he finds liberals

And that fine line would be the concept of “consent”.

I could never be a politician. I’m afraid of heights.

I was accused of working a spell on a coworker at one of my evaluations. I later received a written warning based on a complaint by this same coworker that said in part that I would often say “strange things” and also that she thought I was stealing bits of her hair for rituals.

Having just gone down the rabbit hole of reading about GOOP’s fake doctors, I’m pretty pleased with this guy’s actual science training. Carry on, Dr. Beach.

“The Intercept published a full transcript of the “very friendly” April phone between Donald Trump and his strongman crush Rodrigo Duterte”

Single Prayer Healthcare.

Pitbull, is that you?