
Nope. Squatting and on all fours are the two best positions. Flat on your back is bad for breathing, tearing, circulation.

Nope. I own this body. Squatter’s rights.

I, too, have issues with evolutionary biology. It’s hand waving at best, justification for outdated gender roles at worst.


It grabs the forceps and sharpens it into a cutting tool.

Tapeworms react to removal as well. It’s not really that special.

“Once in a PP I stood behind a poor young man whose roommate’s ex girlfriend had purportedly slathered random objects in their shared apartment with gonorhea infected vaginal secretions.”

The ex husband wanted a vasectomy more than oxygen but the clinic he went to (Air Force) started playing the whole “you’re too young, you don’t have kids yet” game. Basically he was getting blown off. He stormed out angry and frustrated someone was telling him how to handle his reproductive life (haha familiar). Then

But the little ones LOVE abortion-themed field trips!

It was. Technically you didn’t have to go but what 14 year old is going to miss their field trip? I asked my mom why she let me go and her response was “I was a single parent working 3 jobs so I didn’t have time to think about it” Fair.

Once in a PP I stood behind a poor young man whose roommate’s ex girlfriend had purportedly slathered random objects in their shared apartment with gonorhea infected vaginal secretions. Apparently it was a bad break up. This poor dude had no insurance.

The funny thing is, she wasn’t being rude or snarky at all. She was just politely and matter-of-factly informing us that our information, as far as she knew, was irrelevant to her.

Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?

I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most

These kids suck but what really freaks me out is the little kids.

Expect a new set of executive orders designed to prevent women from marrying men who are no good for them, or men with former wives who have disappeared under suspicious circumstances.

My Trump-voting colleague has spent the last year interviewing and going through the motions to enroll in a particular federal job training program that would have guaranteed him a significantly higher salary and better benefits than our current job. Hebjust told me that he can’t get hired now because of Trump’s

The comedian Brian Posehn used to have a bit about being bad at bigotry; e.g., whenever he saw a gay couple he’d yell “Go back to Mexico!” at them.