
The snark this week has been so confusing to me

They should cast a monkey sidekick. the ratings will skyrocket. That idea is free, AMC.

When other inmates need to be protected for their own safety, they are thrown in solitary.

I missed the heel hang on first view... holy wow! These athletes are amaze!

Damn, hardbodies!!! Makin’ everyone else look stupid even trying. And Clover is right, the song makes all the difference.

So I think this whole “trend” is really dumb.....but damn those athletes are amazing!

So this is the Darkest Timeline?

You’re giving Trump too much credit. He’s considering a guy named Ford for the Secretary of Transportation and a guy named Forrest for Secretary of the Interior (which manages the National Park Service).


For people opposed to the “nanny state” they sure are keen on government interference in people’s lives.

He tells The Advocate that he would have preferred being “politely” informed that the cakes were “disrespectful” rather than being cursed at by Peterson.

They told him they “Sing a song of Six Pence” and he thought it was his ancestor?

I just... theater, from its very inception, has been about speaking truth to power. I should have adjusted my expectations, because OF COURSE someone who likes to silence dissent wouldn’t understand that.

Well, to be fair, a Republican asking for the theatre to be a safe space does kinda make sense. Their history with the medium is a bit wobbly.

youre thirty-great.

That imperative “APOLOGIZE!” and the end of Drumpf’s tweet just makes me want to scream: “FUCK YOU YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” then slam the door to my bedroom.

Depends. He’s obviously male (though being a young white female from a Christian family, preferably blonde would be best for getting this dealt with). I’m assuming the concern is because he’s non-white, or non-Christian? Yep, that’d be a problem with these kind of appointments.

Fun fact: $18 million in NYC is worth the exact same amount as $18 million in DC, or Montana or anywhere. Namely: $18 million.