
You should! You’re not coming in too late you could still go all the way! I really appreciate the resources the nanowrimo site has, it’s nice to try to write when there’s all these other people doing it at the same time in the same place.

Thank you!!!! I just started tinkering with Photoshop a few months ago, so I’m really glad the photo worked out. And Dad only had a green unitard so the fact that I figured out how to change that to black? Relieved beyond belief


lol! Good to know! I always figured anything I posted would be buried so why bother

Yay for crafty Halloween costumes!
I made two costumes for the little for Halloween.
Shea Coulee from RuPaul’s Drag Race (link to my twitter because I’m being lazy)
and Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis, from Giselle. I decided to go all out and do a photoshoot with her dad:

Yay!!! I finally made it to Sat Night Social! I always remember Sunday morning!
Anyone else out there doing NaNoWriMo this year?

Yeah but, you know, one of those girls lent Alaska the very tank top she was wearing! (jk that was some bullllllshit)

I’d watch the hell out of a buddy cop-type show starring Nadiya and contestant Paul, where they find clues and give each other looks like this

HA! yes! Did you read the same book I did? Ina May, I think? I like to think I’m hippie-lite and that book was a big NOPE from me. If it works for some people, then that’s awesome but I got serious Ren Faire-esque fantasy romance paperback from it and that’s a time in my life I really don’t wanna go back to

“Yet, speaking on May 2 with unnerved employees at his TriBeCa office — with its $30,000 sound system and frequent fashion-model visitors — Mr. McFarland deflected blame and vowed that Fyre would survive to mount another festival next year.”

Hahahaha yesssss!!!

Bahahahaha! Yes!
Also ps your name is BRILLIANT

I’m with you! Food texture is where it’s at and the texture of Dippin Dots is so much fun to eat. I’m a mint girl, but the last couple times I made myself branch out. I’ll hafta try banana split next!

I read that somewhere floating in the internet parenting-o-sphere and it seemed like a good fit. The thing I’m dreading is if later she wants to do elf on the shelf, but that’s for another day.
Ha!! Well, that’s a good point. She did destroy a single tissue once and she was living her best life, which is why I think a

HA!!!! Or proof I was typing while keeping one eye on the baby doing dangerous things and had to type fast ;o)

I really like that :o)

Such a good point. I actually had a conversation with my mom recently about that when we were trying to figure out how xmas would go. SHe said when I was little she would go to this awesome toy store and buy a toy they recommended and would give me something I begged for that I saw on tv and inevitably the thing I

This is our first Xmas with baby, so we’ll see how far we get but right now our intention is to buy her “something she wants, something she needs, something she wears, something she reads”. Like I said long term who knows if this is realistic but here’s hoping. Since she’s 8 months old for her “want” I’m honestly

YES!!! YES THIS!!! I was debating whether I should put up a photo of Gia Gunn and you beat me to it because the internet is marvelous!