Same. Gave birth in April and I think my vagina has PTSD anytime I think about sex it starts to hurt.
Same. Gave birth in April and I think my vagina has PTSD anytime I think about sex it starts to hurt.
And see I’m ok when I sneeze or far.... wait, is that something that can happen down the road?
Ok now I NEED to hear this catchy jingle!!! Any chance of a link??
Yes! And! And! And then maybe it wouldn’t all be a constant stream of “WTF” reading for three trimesters. I swear I didn’t think I had a bad public school education until I got pregnant (as an adult, I realize how that reads) and then I learned of an entire secret world of things that people don’t talk about with…
I knooooooooooooooooow :-( :-( :-(
I thought i was doing so well the other day and bam! They’re back! And a little part of me died.
I lol’d at hemorrhoids and then got sad. Too real. Too true. Too soon.
Right there with you.
Probably too late to the party to compete but...
lol! Well, I hope it makes you look cool. It could be regional... but then maybe *you’ll* start the trend and then you’ll be SUPER cool
I decided to try it out to help with some mild postpartum depression I’ve been feeling creep up lately. My sister downloaded it in solidarity and we spent a really nice afternoon walking the neighborhood, meeting neighbors and even finding a cute little neighborhood open air market I hadn’t known about. Sure we got…
Ella Fitzgerald. Paper Moon. Choreographed foxtrot. No regrets.
Lol!!! Yeah I had a guy open the door for my stroller and we got to talking, his kid was the same age as mine and sleeping through the night. He then started explaining their evening routine and how important routine was and how his baby slept soooo well blah blah I’m like “yeah... Shut up.”
Thank you!!
Yayyyyyy!!! Glad I could make you laugh!
In the spirit of my pregnant tweedle dee/dum photo...My husband and I were cracked out on soooooo little sleep this week that this happened:
YESSSSSSS!!!!! Thanks I hadn't seen it yet!!
HA!!! Well when you put it like that...
Awesome! Thank you! Im not into d&d but my husband is! We just ordered this onesie for our kid: