
Hehehe well when you've got the body for it... Lol

Maternity leave has got me so bored sooooo.... This happened.

I know you’ve been hearing it a lot today but I wanna say I’ve loved this whole switch. I’ve been refreshing both sites all day and I’ve been really pleasantly surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed watching the comments roll in from both sides. I mean, not all, clearly, but trolls will be trolls I guess. So, yay! Thanks

Thanks!! Lol, yeah, it’s what we’ve taken to calling her, so there’s been plenty of jokes about evictions and freeloaders the past few months

Maaaan that sounds like it would be AMAZING to see all those flowers at once. I'm pregnant right now, due date is in less than two weeks so I don't know that I'll make it out before the show closes but UGH now I want to try so bad! They wouldn't mind if I go into labor in their garden would they? Lol!

Oooooooomg you guys. I’ve got 1 week 5 days left before my due date and I am SO. READY. to be done. I’m not particularly uncomfortable and I still have a lot of mobility but man I’m just over this. I keep thinking that maybe I’ll go early but it hasn’t happened and I’m starting to resign myself to the fact this might

LOVE orchids!! I keep seeing the signs up for the orchid show and I was really intrigued. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never made it out to the Botantic Garden. Is it worth checking out even if I don’t make it in time for the orchid exhibit?

Soooo does this mean the GOP will stop trying to slash the NEA budget if there’s an “art” they can get behind? Cuz then I'm all for this magic as art thing.

These are AMAZING but my heart is with the guy wearing the Hogwarts hoodie. Marry me.

yup, and clothes and all kinds of things where they hitch a ride and infiltrate new places. that’s why they are of the devil (I had them a few years ago and they were stupid hard to get rid of)

I might have dated him when I was in high school! I was a sophomore he was a graduating senior... He broke up with me after he graduated when he tearfully explained he could never see me again because he was arranged to be married to a girl from Colombia.

It’s a process, but if you’re ready to change the behavior patterns, than that is exactly where you need to be to start. I hope the group you find today gives you what you need to get through today, I’ll be thinking of you <3

My mom has been sober through AA for over thirty years, and from what I’ve heard growing up around it is it’s really really important to not try it alone. That’s when relapses happen, because that’s when you start to think “oh maybe i wasn’t reeeeeally an addict, one drink won’t *kill* me.” I know AA rubs some people

I’m a group fitness instructor so I might be a little biased but if your gym offers them, take a group ex class. It’s a great way to steal some ideas for exercises you can later do on your own. Bonus points if you have a good instructor that corrects form, so you’ll know what to look out for when you’re doing the

It sucks, there doesnt seem to be any good choice when it’s savings vs debt. For years I chose emergency fund, but it seemed as good a time as any to go for it. Here’s hoping I didnt choose poorly

Aw man, I literally just clicked “send” to pay off my student loans and this is the first thing I see. I was feeling shitty since it means I now have no more savings but I guess since they didn’t send marshalls after me, I’ll call it a win?

tell me about it! Lol! I was like “Sooooooo that’s it huh? Okay then...”

What drives me nuts too- aside from how horrific it is to force women to have what would have to be transvaginal ultrasounds because at the early stages that’s pretty much the only ultrasounds that are gonna work and make obtaining an abortion even more difficult- is how much stock the anti-choice folks put in their