
Ignore the skin/hair color and their faces are very similar. Not hard to believe they're sisters. Apparently people are stupid. Who could have guessed?

He's also listed as a producer on a Hebrew Hammer sequel. That should be interesting.

Not the one you mean. Even I have my limits of decency and punctuation.

My sexual identity of auto-sexuality was born of a dual love of jerking off, and gently satirizing certain strains of leftist militancy. Nothing like a good wank and then working oneself into a tizzy excommunicating other leftists from the club

No, only smash ups.

It's weird that the much bigger news of the release of the new theme song didn't make the newswire, but here it is for those who missed it. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

You know what they say: William James wrote philosophy like a novelist, while Henry James wrote novelist like a philosophy.

Two… Brothers. It's just called Two Brothers.

These size queens you mention, this is a predominantly male subset of the population, yes? If only I could chose to be gay.

I have a fairly embarrassing problem and given your history you seem to be the best man to advise me. I've always been a modest sort of person (well as modest as one can be while also believing that one is one of the greatest people who's ever lived). I'm 5'11.5" tall, but rather than rounding up as most would to an

Whether vegetarianism is a Jewish thing or a gay thing is indeed a tough question, what with that world renowned gay Jew Hitler being a vegetarian.

I can understand them not being there; the real question is where did they go?

I have a thousand dollar headset. It's a professional pair, and lord knows professionals are stupid about spending way too much if it's for the job. Hence why they cost way too much.

Whenever Hannibal's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Hannibal"?

I don't know, the Robocop costume used in this adult cancer patient's roleplay scenario is pretty good.

Marlo probably would. Oh wait you don't get that reference.

You can't leave them completely in the lurch though. You should at least buy them a gun before you go.

Good work. Time and all eternity is a long fucking time.

I totally love myself and think that I'm basically one of the greatest people to ever live, so I'm not sure if that makes me uniquely qualified to help you, or totally unqualified, but I suspect the later. Instead I'll channel Mohd and make an anime related near non-sequitur and suggest you watch Evangelion. Its

This is a troll board. Your sincerity is not appreciated here.