Gordon Tremeschko

It really didn't help that when they launched this and started doing first-month-free promotions for it that their video player totally shit the bed. It was buggy and prone to crashing or never loading in the first place.

"Dear Agent Scully,

I still think "is that Andy Samberg?" every time I see screengrabs of Josh Dallas in this show.

The only good meme is the cat reading the newspaper at breakfast saying to himself "I should buy a boat"

Bill Nye Saves the World! That new Tyler, the Creator theme is pretty sweet.

There is PLENTY of time for that to do good, please don't be so flippant! There are, after all, a set of elections in 2018 & 2020 where that dawning realization would come in handy.


I would've gone with "jocks' poos", but that's just me.

His "Existentialism is a Humanism" is a very good place to start :)

So does this set up the second season (on a macro level) as a commentary on Sartre? Not just with regards to the line of his most people know ("hell is other people"), but also the existentialist view that a person's essence is mutable, primarily through communing with others.

Goddamn I sympathize with a lot of what's in this paragraph.

For me, the gateway to Fernet was working in the service industry in the Midwest. Standard operating procedure after bar shifts was a Happy Meal (shot of Bulleit and a bottle of High Life), a Fernet neat, and a brief singalong to this: https://youtu.be/frJq0_qMaj8

Alternate title: Young Man Learns Difference Between Satire and Saying Stupid Shit

Seeing as there will be nine episodes and there are nine brief phrases on this video, seems like the Duffers at least have the episode titles figured out.

So much depends

Of course the Ryan campaign website autoplays Rush's "Working Man"

Boy, it sounds like I haven't been watching enough Family Feud lately.

Mr. Greaney also coined the word 'embiggen' apparently:

Tone it down, Bill.