Gordonium has W blue sky lives

This is why we can't have nice things.

Posting on Christmas Day. Like a boss.

@SparklyJesus: You're not the Jesus I've read about.

@orca9999: Only venue I have in which to be one. Out in the world, I'm just too awesome and lovable for anyone to fight.

@32ndnote: Unless they changed the law from when I last checked, it was half a lane where I grew up (TN). In CA (where I now reside), law states that cyclists must remain as near to the right-hand curb as they possibly can, except for obvious exceptions (passing, obstructions, etc.). Nearly every cyclist I've

@Jakooboo eats Daleks for breakfast.: I've only thrown an object at a vehicle once. When an SUV gunned it (speeding) through a crosswalk (illegal) as a friend and I were already halfway across, I lobbed my cup (paper) of water at the driver's side window. Hit it dead on. They slowed, continued driving. That was good,

Yes, we wouldn't want to go red, now, would we?

@themightyspitz: That's awesome! Haha, I hadn't seen that one.

Much more effective than the middle finger (or whatever hand-based insult you may use).

Since some of the translations are hilariously bad, could Giz bring Frooch back and have him host a "poorly translated" #photoshopcontest? Pretty please?

First, that is amazing.

This + z-axis attachment + Teeter for Android = FAIL.

Since I lost my job back in the beginning of November, I've enforced a strict austerity plan, where I spend just about nothing. I pay my rent, I buy gas, food, my daily tea (two at most), and that's really about it. Anything else I may want, I simply deny myself.

This is a solid app, but I prefer the formatting of the Oakley surf app. Neater, cleaner.

Fucking hydrogen bonds, how do they work?

@Ferret: Ferrets always give the best compliments.