Gordonium has W blue sky lives

@ahzdeen001: It was a great feeling, no? I miss it, too.

My Asus notebook does a perfectly great job of letting me focus on what's in front of m—

@HER0: Releasing information that endangers innocent people is not heroic

Well god damn it. Looks like I'm gonna have to stop throwing my old batteries into the tomato fields. Thanks for the "progress," Science.

@nbergseng: Amendment: "One of the stupidest things I've ever seen [that wasn't performed for a TV show or movie]."

*Kids of Today Just Kill Themselves (almost)

@Fossa: I'm with you on 2 and the first half of 1, but the attacks on MC, Visa, and PayPal aren't quite as harmless as egging the teacher's house.

Just wait until Trojan gets their hands on this technology. They'll create an app to monitor all your stats, keep you training up and building stamina, and learning new tricks.

I will buy their fifth model, assuming they keep that system of nomenclature and call it the Cr-52.

@Not OMG! Ponies!: It is ambiguous as to whether or not you have strong feelings regarding this matter. Perhaps you would have been better understood if you had utilized the the appropriate key for ensuring easy capitalization.

Picture is totally related.

Oh noes. It's just like killing Billy Mays all over again :(

Does that guy have weights in his feet, or what? Looks like his center of gravity is a little too far back. I could see this thing tumbling backward very easily, with just a little too enthusiastic a recline...


Indy: Tickets, please.