Gordonium has W blue sky lives

@lightnquick001: Nah, not really. Only if it's really high quality, well brewed coffee. Otherwise, I have to take a little sugar/cream. But in an article written by a coffee fanatic, that was a hilarious thing to say.

@sandip408: I don't know if you're serious or being a dick, but it's funny either way. Hearted.

Now playing

Pro tip: play this while watching muted video.

NPR needs to animate every single story they produce. That was awesome.

@legendofmatt: That video/instrument/dance was horrendous. I want absolutely zero connection to it, aside from the fact that my eyes/ears/soul had to endure it.

Holy shit... That asshole playing the shitty new instrument looks EXACTLY like me... Seriously, we could be twins. That's fucked up. God damn it.

@groundlessnfree: When I read your comment, it was 5:15am and I was on a packed bus full of sleeping travelers on our way to SFO airport, about to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. I nearly woke 'em all up with massive lulz that I managed to stifle. I managed to stave off laughter until now, sitting at my gate in the

@RushinRussian: Only after giving a high five to both the mother and the shrieking banshee.

@gffuentes: He's been dabbling in stand-up, yeah. I heard a short bit of his that was on the Nerdist podcast. I gotta say, he's got chops.

If the kids who got beaten up at my childhood school for doing this stuff had pulled out smartphones and showed this video to the bullies with bloodied fists, the bullies would steal the smartphones and continue the beating.

@Luke Bennett: The Gettysburg Address was, what, a paragraph long?

Thinking back on my high school days, when I was the long-haired boy in all the theater productions, AP classes, and science clubs, I remember saying that to a few girls (and even a couple in college). I said it very much as a complement, but never really wondered why.

Now you're thinking with Portals.

@Mohawk_Of_Doom: Nope. It has a strong link to my first name, though.

Either that's one really tiny dude, or those lanes are wiiiiide.