Wow, #5 fucked that up.
Wow, #5 fucked that up.
The Neil Peart of shift patterns.
Joseph Goodman is a pillowcase filled with blueberries.
He plays angry, too.
I was in Tokyo with the CEO of a US-headquartered multinational. We were meeting with the CEO of Toyota. As my boss started into a list of possible collaborations, the Toyota CEO interrupted and said something like, “Oh, you know our work?” My CEO paused and leaned back, pointed a finger at his chest and moved the…
Gervin-esque quality
Well, the book is terrible, so.
TF? “Crawford also asked for photos of the fictitious child and McElyea responded with photos of a coworker who was about 12 years old at the time...”
We don’t pump taints, we pump tints.
God that’s great.
Has Brady asked the kid for a kiss yet?
Instant Uprights —> Surrender Cobras
I feel for the yoots who never got to see Rush.
Those rims look like they’re from Pep Boys.
I don’t disagree, but he did have some Romo-esque predictions during a number of events. Give him a micro-modicum of credit.
I thought you were a psychiatrist? Y’know, “his therapy was going nowhere” etc.
Elaine. “I’m there for you. And then we remove the two words ‘for you’ and we’re just...there.”